Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Coruscant Streets

By BlackHunter
Date: 12-04-2004




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File Constructed by: BlackHunter
Requirements: Jk3!


Hey, and thanks for downloading Coruscant Streets by BlackHunter this is a large Coruscant themed map, which i have to say is excellent for sniping as there are many tall buildings and countless rooms to hide in.


1. Open the files up in WinZip
2. Extract all of them into the Base file in your Jk3 Directory
3. Start Playing!

.../File Info\...

New Sounds: Yes
New Textures: Yes
Bot Support: Yes
Game Types: CTF, TFFA, FFA

This is a Coruscant themed map set in and around Episode II, you will find many many rooms to explore off the main streets; e.g. Bars, Clubs, Hotels, a Swoop Garage, Cinema e.t.c. There is also a secret room which you can look for in one of the Bars, Happy Hunting! The CTF is designed to be lots of fun as the two teams have different advantages; the Red flag is highup, in an easily defendable position, whereas the Blue team are stocked up with tons of weapons, and both teams have hidden gun turrets. This level can also provide a great sniper game with it's many vantage points in the tall buildings and with the dark lighting in the low-lying levels.
The clan references are limited to one room to please all players, but the metallica posters are a little more common in the bars so here is a little fore-warning: If you really object to good music then don't download this map!

I hope you all enjoy!


Some of the lockable doors may play up from time to time, just keep trying and they will work!

.../Other Notes / Credits\...

//Important!!\\ In the big bar, with the lockable doors, you can press a button to kill any annoying idiot standing outside wanting to come in. Be extremely sure you press it again to turn it off; otherwise you will die when you come out and won't be able to get in again!

Have fun and enjoy... :)

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