Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Yavin Summer House

By Swampster
Date: 09-15-2004




README --- Yavin Summer-House

Title: Yavin Summer-House
Author: Swampster
Date finished: 6/24/04
Time to make: 3 weeks

Description: Just a friendly map I made, It's my first released map, but I've made a few other maps, just I did'nt release them (for obvious reasons);) This map has a few secrets, and they are quite hard to find.

Installation: Just un-zip the .pk3 from your .zip into your gamedata/base directory!

Have fun!

-Bar with two secret entrances(you can jump on the bar top and crouch and go in, but that is NOT one of the secrets
-Movie theatre, with breakable VCR
-Pond/Swamp with waterfall
-Outhouse with flushable toilet(hee hee, my favorite feature!)
-Roof bar
-Wine Cellar
-In-house bar
-Guest house
-Miniature Lake House
