Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

[TDK]HQ v3

By [TDK]SiLeNt
Date: 06-29-2004




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///// "[TDK]HQ v3" by "[TDK]SiLeNt" /////
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///// The Dark Knights /////
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This map is not made by Lucasarts or Ravensoft. This map is using textures from the Jedi Academy game only.


Put tdkhq.pk3 in your "Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/" folder

* Map info: *

- Version: 3
- New textures: No
- New sounds: No
- Bot Support: No
- Gametypes: FFA, Duel and TFFA

* Word from the creator: *

My idea making this map is that [TDK] always plays in other maps,
like the original maps, and that clans mostly have an own map.
My idea of the map was a temple with underground hallways, but it didn't turn out well.
It's still upgrading until the final version. I'm very happy with the result.
There is a Trial room, Duel, a Colloseum, a council room, a Recruiting room,
a Jail and 3 new duel rooms.

[TDK] wishes you good luck and May The Force Be With You !!!

© This map is made by [TDK]SiLeNt.