Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

={FeTT}= Playground (1.1)

Date: 01-14-2004
Version: 1.1




8th January 2004
={FeTT}= Playground 1.1 FFA map for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Created by Robin "IZaNaGI" Molde
Build Time: 3 weeks
File Size: 4.7 MB
Programs used: Adobe Photoshop 7.0
GTK Radiant 1.3.12

This is the first Official ={FeTT}= map for JK:JA, a FFA map that has been built specificly to have a fun time spawning NPC's in a clan (or other) enviroment. The map consists, of a huge race track littered with ridable Swoops, in a setting similar to that of Koribann. It also has an arena that has an average sized dueling pad for those that dont particulary want to ride all the time, or you could have an AT-ST battle here also. I had fun creating this map (especially testing it) and i hope whoever else uses it does too!

Its features include:

A massive race track
45 respawning Swoops
12 respawning AT-ST
23 Custom textures (used to make the track more authentic)
Bot support added

Whats New in 1.1

This final version has 3 more textures then the original and have been placed better throughout the map.
More detail has been added inside the map, with the addition of a new grandstand, more detailed texturing, more open spawning area and a jump inside the main straight to add a bit more variety to the original.
Bot support has been improved and the bots will now travel further around the map (although they will be more likely to fight in the main grandstand area).

Known Issues

None, just try not to destroy any vehicle on there spawn point.

Note to servers running this, when running this map, put your server on a recomended 30 minute time limit, that way it will give NPC's and breakable details chance to re-apear


Add the fett_playground1-1.pk3 to your jediknight "base" directory usually found in:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base
To uninstall just bung it in ya recycle bin

Special Thanks

To my princess Nikki (IZaNaMI={FeTT}=) her help with the creation of the textures was brilliant and i love her for it :oD, she also helped with testing the map and to point out bugs i didnt see.

To i used a few images from that site to put in the map, the site is awesome and definately worth a look and im sorry if using your images caurses you any stress.


THIS IS NOT a JKR, JK:R or JediKnight:Racing map or whatever the ppl behind that project calls it. It is an independant project created for ={FeTT}= clan and the WHOLE JK:JA community and not for a specific group.

Lucasarts, Raven and Activision do NOT support the use of the ={FeTT}= Playground in any way
and neither they, nor i will be held responsable for errors it causes!!

I have run extensive tests and i have encountered no problems in using
this map apart from the bugs stated above!!!

Robin Molde 2003
Visit my clan website

And Visit the awesomely funny Star Wars Spoofs site.