Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Training Duels

By RockSolid
Date: 01-12-2004




Training_Duels By RockSolid

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To use this file, extract training_duels.pk3 into your gamedata/base directory then
run the game and the map should be in your map list under create game.

This map is basically a map with four duel rooms in, and a viewing room in the middle
which has windows looking into each duel room. it also has a sort of glass prison hanging
in the middle of the main room, the duel rooms are : lava , jump , disk ,water (and balance)
some of these duels put you in prison if you fall off ledges, some kill you, some dump you
in water you can't get out of. The map doesn't have bot support nut if you put bots in it they
jump around the place making it hard to kill them.

SECRET: on the map there is a secret clan meeting area with the only weapon on the
map in (heavy repeater) to get there go into the room with the big stone circle in the
middle (its one of the small duel rooms), then jump at the viewing window, there is
a tiny ledge underneath it, once on the ledge move as far to the right as you can , you
should then get teleported to a small room, run round the corners of this room (one of
the corners has a teleporter in it) then u'll get teleported into the clan room.
(have fun) (my first map so go easy on it)