Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

UKM Academy

By UKM Strider
Date: 12-15-2003




Author - UKM Strider (David Maiden)

E-mail -


To Install:

This map is only playable in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. It will not run in JK2. Place the ukm1.bsp into your JKA base folder and load her up.

First of all, thank you for downloading this map. I know 40+ Mb is a bit excessive, but this is my first attempt at making my own map and I do tend to get carried away sometimes, as is the case with this map. So I hope you like this map well enough to consider the massive download to be worth the effort.

As I said this is my first map of any kind. Its basically a clan map for the United Kingdom Mercenaries made using Ye Olde JK2Radient. Among some of the features are:

Landing pad and Gardens
Swimming Pool with Diving boards, viewing windows and shower facilitys
Combat Training Room
Ice Rink
Main duel arena with gallery seating
Oubliette (Prison) which doubles as a Winner-Stays-On arena
Jump Room (Similar to Griffinclaws JC map)
Council chamber and offices

There is also a secret area which is highly recommended for two players. The entrance is located somewhere in the gardens ;)

Special thanks go to:

UKM_Gauntlet for the fine work he did in creating the custom textures for me, not to mention all the ideas and support he gave me. Thanks Den :) Your a star, mate.

UKM_Aidy (aka WoTs_Aidy) for all the help he gave me by helping me through the basics of map making as well as always helping me out with the problems this map gave me (And believe me, after 2 months work this map has thrown a lot of those at me)

PhilawareINC for those gorgous marble shaders taken from a test map he gave me many moons ago. He doesn't actually know I've taken them as I haven't been able to get in touch with him for ages, so if your reading this Phil, I nicked a couple of your marble shaders mate. Hope you don't mind. They were just what I needed and too good to leave out. Get in touch, mate, would be great to hear from you again.

UKM_Arwen (aka my beloved fiance) deserves extra special thanks and recognition for putting up with me for the whole time I spent making this map. This includes all the panic attacks when things went wrong, the shoulder rubs when I was stressed and ready to hit DELETE and for not having a go at me when I stayed awake all those nights finishing off and adjusting little bits here and there. Girl, I am so gonna marry you ;)

UKM_DaveG for founding the finest clan/community I have ever known and for keeping it alive all this time and most of all for motivating me into doing something creative again. Your a rare breed, Dave.

RichDiesel for making the best damn tutorial I've ever come across. Hope to see them finished someday, mate. :)

Thanks also to UKM_Solo, UKM_Tricky, UKM_Shat Kat, UKM_EJunkie, UKM_Bull (IE_Alpha), IE_Banshee, UKM_Shinobi, UKM_Aelgas, UKM_Toby, UKM_Wholi Gabais, UKM_Lill, George Lucas, all the guys at Raven, my mum, my dad, my dads parrot, Tom, Luke, Damien, the walrus from the classic beatles song, the Monty Python team, Edmund Blackadder, Pope Gregory IX, David Dickenson, Bobby Davro, Jeremy Beadle, Auntie Gertrude, Auntie Gertudes cat, Auntie Gertrudes budgie, Auntie Gertrudes dentures, Chris Moyles, Jordens left knocker, that guy from the guiness ad who does that funny dance, Mel Smith, Keith Harris and Orville, Basil Brush, Sooty and Sweep, Jeoffrey Archer, Tigris of Gaul, Neville the part-time barman, Pooley and O'Malley and Spit the Dog.