Star Forge Observation Deck

New version available! Find it here.

By Shadriss
Date: 11-03-2007




Readme File - Star Forge Observation Deck

Author: Shadriss (
Build Time: 3 Months
Additional Credits: MaceCrusherMadanusus - Skybox Images
Inyri Forge - MD3 Player Models

Description: Set on board the Star Forge, a
spacestation/factory built millenia ago by the
Rakatan Infinite Empire. This location is the
scene for the final duel between Darth Malak
and the one-time Darth Revan, which signaled
the end of the Sith War.

Game Types Supported: Duel, Powerduel
New Textures: Yes. Textures may be used by any mapper who so
wishes without permission.
New Sounds: No.
BotRoutes: No.

Legal Stuff: This file is a modification for Jedi Knight -
Jedi Academy. It is not supported by, nor
endorsed, by LucasArts, Raven Software, or any
other company affiliated with the original
program. All names, locations, and other such
items that may be copyrighted are property of
thier owners. The Cheese stands alone.

Use of the map file or bsp file in other
modifications is not permitted without consent
of the map's author.