By Infernox
Date: 06-30-2007
Map Name: Prophecy
Author: InfernoX
Release Date: June 24th 2007
Supported Gamemodes: Duel,Powerduel
Tools used:
Gtk Radiant 1.4
Adobe Photoshop CS 2
*Notes* The map was originally designed for the Moviebattles II mod, and as such the base port is
not thoroughly tested, I loaded the map to make sure it worked.
Custom Textures: Yes
Custom Music: Yes/No/Notsure( got it from MBII)
Bot routes: Nooooooo
Special Thanks:
The CMP for hosting my test sessions and putting up with me all these years
The people at Map-Craft, specifically Immenor for teaching me a lot over the years.
Furry Rodian, Magma, Someone, tom, Alpha, Yzmo, plasma, and others who all gave feedback.
Lindsey for his excellent reference pictures, without those I wouldn't have got this far.
About the author:
I'm InfernoX and I've been mapping for nearly 3 years now, however this would be my first RELEASED map.
I've always strived to perfect my work, and I feel this map is my best work to date. I hope you
enjoy playing it as much as I did making it.
-Credit goes to Raven Software for some textures and for making this game.
-Thank you mb team for this awesome mod, which has been the source of my entertainment and is what
spiked my interest in mapping, sorry I've been such a troublemaker =)