Korriban Championship Arena (Re-Release)

By Jenova*Rebirth*
Date: 09-24-2005
Version: Re-Release




Re-release #3 - Korriban championship arena by : Jenova*Rebirth*

This is the third map I am re-releasing. Enjoy it. :)

Installation: Place the Korribanchampa.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder

Music:yes(regualr JA music)
Bot support: yes
custom texture's: no

Build Time: 16+ hours
compile time: less than 6 minutes

Comments: This map is a small map made whilst I was part of the Jedi Evolution clan
and decided to release it to the public as a tournament map by the Jedi Evolution clan
for the comunity.

The way it works is, You can use this as a duel map or an ffa map, In ffa you have
random match ups between people in your clan, spectators watch from the spectators box
and when someone loses they are out of the tournament and must stand on the right side
near the sith dog statue, and the winner goes over to the left pillar (directions are
when you are facing into the arena from the spectators box)

Then you have anouther random match you with 2 more and so on and so forth untill
everyone has dueled and you have a line of winners, then you random match up the
winners untill you have only one left standing, and then they become the winner.

This map also has a 1st 2nd and 3rd podium so the winner + 2 runners up can display
thier awesomeness to thier clan.

This is also a map ment for normal dueling servers with no clan, so its a 2 in 1 map

There is no clan names/clan logo's or anything else in this map, Only whilst
loading does it have the reference to the clan. Hardly a big deal anyways it only says
"Jedi Evolution official tournament map"

Hope you enjoy this, and it is not a clan map, just made by a clan. (technically me at the time but anyways)