[CONTEST] Turquoise Dragon's Secret Pluto Base

By Turquoise Dragon
Date: 03-26-2012




Name: Turquoise Dragon's Secret Pluto Base

Author: Turquoise Dragon

E-Mail: turquoisedrag0n@aim.com (put "JK map" or simiar as the subject, otherwise it
will be deleted)

Programs Used:
GtkRadiant V 1.4.0
Photoshop 7.0

Creation time:
about a month and a half or so of usually 3-5 hours a day.

Place in ...Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDatabase folder.

Remove from the aforementioned folder.

Basic Info:
Created for the August-September 2011 JK3Files mapping contest. It lays out my secret
base located in a crater on the planet of Pluto. Yes, planet. Even though I'm a
scientist, IT'S STILL A DAMN PLANET!!!! I think it came out pretty good for my second map.

Gametypes: FFA/TFFA

- 18 base textures
- 20 custom textures

Map Info:

- size 5872x5456x2344 map units
- 16.3 MB
- botroutes: no

Extra Stuff:
This map consists of two buildings. The simpler one is the hanger, and it has 1 room.
The other structure is the base itself, all 3 floors. The top floor is a greenhouse
for growing of food plants. The ground floor is the functioning part of the base,and
contains the power generator, air purifier, heat system, fresh water still,
communications panel, and two airlocks. The bottom floor is the living quarters,
complete with: a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a storage room, my bedroom, and
a guest bedroom. The sinks and bathtub fill with water, and the toilet flushes. There's
a big fishtank (or attempt at one, at least) in my personal quarters. There's 1 secret
room in here, and it contains the currently-broken lift to the secret underground
training facility, as well as some of my planetary invasion plans. Good luck and enjoy.

Known Bugs:

- I was unable to get the soundfiles for the toilet, bathtub, and sinks working, so
they operate silently (hey, it's the future).
- I also was unable to get the world music to play. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
- The toilet, sinks, baathtub, and hanger doors may not work the first time hitting
the switch. If they don't, hold the button downa bit longer. This seems to help,
at least on my computer. After the first time, they don't seem to have any issues. The
toilet seems to be the glitchiest.
- The water is colored black due to the map's ambiant lighting (or rather, lack thereof).
- The water in the tub acts as a solid brush instead of water (you can't walk inside of it).
This seems to have been an on-and-off probelem, however it compiled, working sometimes, not
working at others. This'll be fixed with the expanded release.
- If you find any more, please let me know so I can fix them.

Legal Parts and Pieces:

This mod is no way supported by LucasArts, Raven Software, Activision,
or any other companies that may have played a role in creating Jedi
Academy. I assume no personal resonsibility as to any game failures,
problems, etc. that may result from this map, as it has caused none to

Artwork contained within this map is owned/copyrighted by me, as are all custom textures.
If you seek to use them, please contact me first.

Any band logos/pictures are owned by the bands themselves/people who took the pictures
(as in, not me).

(Disfunctional) Sound files from www.soundjay.com