[CONTEST] Unnatural Moon

By Nozyspy
Date: 03-25-2012




JEDI KNIGHT: Jedi Academy

Unnatural Moon

Title: Unnatural Moon
Author: Nozyspy
E-mail: nozyspy@gmail.com or nozy_007@hotmail.com
Website: www.nozyspycreations.com

Game Type: FFA/TFFA

New Textures: Yes

New Music: Yes

New Models: Yes

Bot Routing: Yes


Put unnatural_moon.pk3 file in your LucasArtsStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDataBase folder.
To uninstall, simply delete the .pk3!


Setting foot on the surface of the Moon was the greatest technological achievement in the history of mankind. But why was the space race
between the United States and The Soviet Union really run? ...

Ever since radio technology was invented, people have picked up strange intermittent transmissions from sources unknown. In the middle of
the 20th Century American scientists discovered that these transmissions were coming from a crater on the twilight band between the
light and dark sides of the moon. Soviet agents soon picked up on this and realised its significance. The first attempt to send a probe
to the moon in August 1958, the American Pioneer 0 ended in failure as did the Soviets first attempt; Luna E-1 No.1 just over a month later.

Many more attempts were made with varying success, but in September 1959 the Soviet Luna 2 probe came close to its target. Officially it was
the first man made object to reach the surface of the Moon and its impact with the Lunar surface was hailed as a success. In reality however
the impact was unintended. The probe transmitted a short burst of data before contact was lost indicating the presence of an artificial structure.

Many more probes were sent over the years, only a few succeeded in transmitting date back, nearly all of these were kept out of the official
history of Lunar exploration. the space race culminated with Neil Armstrong becoming the first human being to set foot on the Moon on
July 20th 1969. Officially this was a great leap in human exploration, however in reality the Apollo missions were test beds to ascertain the
viability of a manned mission to discover the true nature of The Object.

There were 6 more Apollo missions over the next 3 years until the project was cancelled, officially due to budgetary concerns. In reality however
there was an Apollo 18, launched secretly in early 1973. The mission landed near The Object and was equipped to set up a variety of surveillance
devices as well as preliminary groundwork for establishing a research facility. However the mission never returned, as the team approached the
area surrounding The Object, there was a sharp burst of static heard by the NASA team back on Earth and all comm traffic went dead.

All the members of the Apollo 18 Mission were presumed dead and in mid 1973 Richard Nixon called a halt to all further manned missions to the
Moon until probes were able to ascertain how safe the area was for another manned mission.

This process has been ongoing for the last 39 years.

There are reports that the Soviets succeeded in sending 2 manned missions to the Moon, these reports remain unconfirmed...


Well this is my first map in over a couple of years! I cant believe I was out of mapping for so long,
the time just seems to fly by!

This map was created for the 'Planets of our Solar System' Contest on JKFiles. I have always wanted to
make some maps of real planets as space and the idea of setting foot on another world has always fascinated
me and the Moon seemed an ideal place to start! Hopefully I will get around to making some more, Venus and Titan
(a moon of Saturn) are two that look promising!

Originally my entry was going to be substantially larger and have a completely different theme a kind of 1950's
Indiana Jones-ish Nazi moonbase, but alas i would just have taken too much time to complete, so it has been put
on my to-do list for now.

The inspirations behind this map were the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Crystal Fortress from Pokemon 3
and the conspiracy theory of the 'Black Knight', a supposedly ancient alien satellite who�s radio transmissions have
supposed to have been picked up by various people for almost 100 years, and is supposed to have 'shadowed' Sputnik,
mankind�s first artificial satellite, upon its launch.

Personally I�m not a believer in conspiracy theories, though there are some believable ones out there. They do provide
excellent inspiration for things like stories and games though!

Another inspiration was the film Into Eternity, which details the design and construction of Onkalo, a nuclear waste
depository deep underground. At one point in the film there is a discussion of how they will warn future generations
thousands of years into the future that they should not disturb this place and prevent them from thinking it is something
like the Great Pyramid if Giza or that treasure is buried there. One of the ideas they thought of was placing large 'spikes'
all around the area, to give the area a feeling of being 'unnatural' or frightening, somewhere that you should stay away from.

The idea behind this map was that the moon was holding an ancient secret, placed there aeons ago by some unknown civilisation.
Many probes have been sent by mankind to discover what this mysterious anomaly is but they have all mysteriously gone dark upon
reaching their destination, transmitting back only fragments of information!


None that i am aware of. Though if you find that the skybox is a little fuzzy or looks low resolution, please make sure your
texture quality is set to high in game!

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions on how the map could be improved, please send me an email at nozyspy@gmail.com


- Well, Lucasarts/Raven of course for making the game, and the base textures which I heavily modified
to use in this map.

- My beta testers; SuperSmeg, Mr. Wonko and SiLink

- The JKFiles and JKA Community for their interest and support.

- Whoever it was who made GTK Radiant! Without which, we wouldn�t be able to make maps at all.

- Paintshop Pro 9 which I used to make/modify the textures.

- Philip Glass, who composed the track I used: 'Northern Tibet' from the film Kundun.

- NASA, for that famous picture of the Earth taken from the moon, which i used in the skybox.

- Google and various random websites where i found the solar panel and crater textures!

- The maker of the Star Wars font I use in my levelshots, whoever they are!

- And of course...George Lucas for creating Star Wars!

- Oh, and anyone else that deserves to be in the credits but who's names I cant remember!

Well I hope you enjoy the map!

Have Fun! :D


P.S It seems that one of Biowares baloons carrying the Space Edition of Mass Effect went off course and somehow ended up on the moon,
see if you can find it! ;)

Obligatory disclaimer / copyright thingy:

Please do not edit, re-release, or use any elements from this map without asking me first, thanks! :)