By Torchy
Date: 01-13-2004
Jedi Academy - CTF
final version
02 janurary 2004
About the map...
My 3rd multiplayer map, 1st for the JK series...
Yavin themed ctf map, insprired by the yavin single player mission.
Each base resides on a landing bay in the clearing. There are 3 main
routes to the enemy base; a couple forest trails and a lower trail
through a small rocky valley and cave
**** map path: mp/torchyctf1 ****
Misc info....
Build time : About 5 evenings
Compile time : full vis, -light -fast -filter : About 4 minutes
Special Thanks....
Raven on forums for the great JKA tutorials,
Raven(soft) for another ace game, and their great 2d/3d artists for the
textures and map models.
ydnar for q3map2. It took me longer to walk up stairs, take a piss and
wash my hands than compile the map. Amazing
contact me....
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