By Mau dae
Date: 07-10-2002
Version: v2.0
Mau\'dae\'s Kill Tracker version 2.0
-For news and updates please visit
-Contact information
AIM SN: iifuzz
Whats new in Version 2.0
-Tracks number of times you have killed individual person
-Custom messages for both regular kills and for kick kills.
-Console Command
/name - if you change your name of just start playing with it, use this and it will refresh your name into the textbox.
I got the idea for this when i was thinking of Tribes 1 and this one script this guy made that reported the number of kills he has made since he started it. Plz report bugs or ideas to my email or AIM SN above. Or you can post it at my clans forums.
-Extract to your Jediknight2/GameData/ folder if you wish to use it with Gamespy or Qtracker
-In the Name textbox put in the name you use in the game EXACTLY! Just without the colors.
-OR, once you join ingame, go to console and type /name and it will do the text box stuff for you.
To Start Kill Tracker with Gamespy or Qtracker
-make sure its in the Jediknight2/GameData/ folder and setup Gamespy or Qtracker to use kill tracker.exe instead of jk2mp.exe.
-Tracks number of total kills and saves them
-Tracks number of times you have killed individual person
-Custom messages for both regular kills and for kick kills.
-Gamespy/QTracker and any other server getter support.
-2 Chat Commands
!time - sends current time to the chat
!kills - sends the amount of kills you have total.
-Console Command
/name - if you change your name of just start playing with it, use this and it will refresh your name into the textbox.