Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Boba Fett Reskin of Mandalorian Model

Date: 01-21-2003




22nd December 2002
Boba Fett 1.0a skin for Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Time to complete: 3 days
File size: 1.66mb
Created by IZaNaGI
Programs used: Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1, modelview.cfg, Sound Blaster AWE64 wave studio.

This is my reskin of my Jango fett skin (originaly the GoldenFett skin), based on Boba Fett the most feared of all the Bounty hunters.
After realising how huge a success my Skin of Jango was, i decided to reskin Boba as well. Again i know that theres already a Boba out there in the mandalorian pack, but i wanted to create this to be as exact as the star wars character as i could make it!! Personally i dont think i could of got it any closer, but thats for you to decide. Also i would like to add that i have never downloaded the mandalore pack so i cant compare to the Boba thats included in there.

I have made sure with this that there would be NO conflict with other Boba's out there as Jango seemed to overwrite previous versions, so i hope not to hear any problems.

Bot support
Improved AI
New Taunt

Thanks Too

Who ever created the original Fett Model (it ROXXXXX)
My Princess Nikki. I love you babe!!
And everyone that downloads this!!


Add the bobbafett.pk3 to your jediknight "base" directory usually found in:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base

Bugs and issues

Theres a little bit of a problem with the model, so when he waves a lightsaber it looks a little odd (although i did try to re-weight it but i dont think theres any difference). None others, but if any of you guys find any i'd love to know so i can fix them.

Lucasarts, Raven and Activision do NOT support the use of the BobaFett skin in any way
and neither they, nor i will be held responsable for errors it causes!!

I have run extensive tests and i have encountered no problems in using
this skin!!!

Robin Molde 2002
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