Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Jango Fett (1.0a)

By |ZaNaGI|
Date: 11-29-2002
Version: 1.0a



29th November 2002
Jango Fett 1.0a skin for Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Time to complete: About 4 weeks (I do have a life :op)
File size: 1.72mb
Created by EFP*IZaNaGI[E]
Programs used: Ability Photopaint 2000, modelview.cfg, Sound Blaster AWE64 wave studio.

This is my reskin of the GoldenFett model that i downloaded several weeks ago (i cant remember who made it)
There are two variations of this skin, one plain and one without his pack.
Although i already know that theres another jango model, i created this to possibly better it, adding darker blue's and making his armour more shiny and clean.
I first downloaded the Golden Fett character because i didnt have the patiance to download the Mandalorian pack (Im only on 56k and it would just take forever) so after some time i decided to reskin it to look like Jango Fett.
I have also added the Westar Pistol by [STGN]Locutus in the PK3 to make my file as authentic as possible. I used the Fix that QuiGon007 brought out recently, (I think) so it fits in his hand properly. Hope u guys dont mind!!!!
Its took a lot of work to create this (Obviously not half as much as the original author put in) so i hope yall like it!!

Two seperate variations, pack and no pack.
Bot support
Westar pistol included
Improved AI
New Taunt

Thanks Too

Who'ever created the original Fett Model (it ROXXXXX) And who'ever made the the GoldenFett skin, of which this is based.
[STGN]Locutus and Quigon007's representation of the Westar pistol for the image i used
EFP*Tim EFP*KaReN and EFP*DiscoJaneway for helping me find some images i could use to get the skin just right!
My Princess Nikki for having patiance with me when i disapeared on the CPU to create this!!
And everyone that downloads this!!


Add the jango.pk3 to your jediknight "base" directory usually found in:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base

Bugs and issues

Theres a little bit of a problem with the model, so when he waves a lightsaber it looks a little odd. None others, but if any of you guys find any i'd love to know so i can fix them.

Lucasarts, Raven and Activision do NOT support the use of the JangoFett skin in any way
and neither they, nor i will be held responsable for errors it causes!!

I have run extensive tests and i have encountered no problems in using
this skin!!!

Robin Molde 2002
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