Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Droid Roger 1.0

By SpineRaptor
Date: 08-24-2002



| Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast |
| <- Droid Roger 1.0 -> |


This Battle Droid was re-made by me to look more \"movie-like\", with added sounds and skins. I began re-making the model slightly after the original author released version 0.95 of his \"Roger\" model. I re-made all the textures and coded the paths differently. I also added three extra skins to the model other than the re-done default skin. Last, but not least, I re-sampled all the original author\'s sounds and added about ten new action sounds (death, drowning, falling, hit sounds), and two extra taunt sounds. The outcome of this project leaves us with an almost completely different looking Battle Droid, compared to version 0.95+ of MacD\'s droid. I still say it\'s a better droid compared to v0.95+ MacD, but since v1.0 came out, they\'re butting heads o_O.

P.S. - Look forward to upcoming newer versions in which there will be a \"battle damage\" skin and the comander skin will have it\'s own red/blue team skins along with the default red/blue team skins.

=New in version 1.0 (compared to MacD\'s v0.95)=

-3 new skins (red team, blue team, and commander)
-10 new action sounds
-1 resampled taunt, 2 new taunts

Model Name: \"droidroger.pk3\"

File Size: 1.12 mb

Authors: David \"Spine\" Bennett
Maarten \'MacD\' Edgar <-He wasn\'t involved in the making of my droid in anyway

Model: Maarten \'MacD\' Edgar

Importing: David \"Spine\" Bennett

Skins: David \"Spine\" Bennett


Few samples taken from, from Star Wars: E1, and other Fan sites. All sounds were resampled and reinserted


A Battle Droid based on Star Wars: E1 & E2.


Extract (put) the file \"droidroger.pk3\" into the \"C:\\Program Files\\LucasArts\\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\\GameData\\base\" folder. Or wherever you currently have the JKII base folder installed.




Well folks, its been a long interesting and funfilled trip! But thank GOD its over! lol Seriously though, I just want to thank GOD and all my Teammates on this project, so thanks GOD, Sithlord ii, Arco, Kman, and Sith please fill in the missing people, hehe. And I\'d also like to thank James from and ModCentral, and all you guys in the Forums. Well that\'s it everybody, have fun and may the Force be with you!
BTW: I give all you modders and skinners out there the rights to use Yoda however you please just as long as you give all the members of Team Yoda proper credit.


*Information *

Polycount: Not Givem
bots Yes, with a hint of stupidity
Custom sounds Yes

LOD Support: No


* Copyright / Permissions *

The character Battle Droid is copyright Lucas Arts.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.


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© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
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