Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Yoda Ghost

Date: 08-05-2002




Based on the Yoda model by Kinja, Acro, SithlordII, and Kman
WHICH YOU WILL NEED TO BE ABLE TO USE!!! As if you don't have it!!!

Custom skin: Yes
Bot support: not currently
Custom sounds: only yoda teams' currently
Team colors: No

-Full model transparency with a ghostly shimmer.

Icepool: Before I say anything I would like to thanks Psynex for his hard work!!!!!!!!
At first I thought this was gonna be just a simple edit to the skin done by Acro, but I just
wasn't satisfied with it. So I asked for assistance and Kman answered and tried to help with
making a shader myself but after several failurs I asked someone to either show me how or if they
knew if they would do it. Thanks to Psynex the shader for the skin to make it transparent was
made possible. Without him this skin would not be possible so everyone thank Psynex!!!!!!!
Unfortunately at this time there is no team colors but if the request is big enough I will try to
add team skins if Psynex will help with the shaders on those.

I was also informed by Dest that if you want this Yoda skin to be the correct size you will have
to edit Jedimod1.1 Tckmodel.cfg and add yoda_ghost 0.6 0. This way he will be the same size as
the yoda model.

Psynex: First, I have to hand it to icepool for presenting such a challenging project. I'm not much of a skinner...never made a full skin at all actually. But I was succesful in creating one of the first transparent saber hilts that STILL HASN'T BEEN POSTED BY JK2.NET! *sorry* So I figured it would be easy. Wow, when I started tweaking icepool's skin I realized how little I actually knew and how much I was going to learn really fast. Tweaked some alpha channels, fixed some contrast and seem issues, then drilled a hole in my head to pour in some shader creating knowledge. Secondly, this is only the first release there are still many features/changes I'd like to add/make. So look for updates.

Special thanks go to:

Yoda Team - for giving us a great model to play with.
Kman - for the "glimmer" effect idea that I didn't pull off quite as well.

Unzip the pk3 files to you JK2/gamedata/base directory.


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