Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Crimson Rex (2.0)

New version available! Find it here.

By MetalMusicMan
Date: 07-05-2002
Version: 2.0



Skin Title:

Crimson Rex

Author Information:

Skin Made by: MetalMusicMan
Website: Coming soon!... or later...


Just unzip the .zip file to your base directory, which is usually


Version 1:

Alright! This skin is my second skin. It's a model for Desann in JK2. I'm very proud of the outcome, it looks very cool. I got the idea to make this skin from a special about dinosaurs on the discovery channel, lol. There was a scientist talking about how he thought t-rex had a red head and black body, and I thought that making a skin like that would be cool. Desann fit the role perfectly, and the result is this skin!

Version 2:
Okay, a friend brought to my attention that there was a sound glitch- i forgot to put the sounds in! lol. So, i added the desann sounds to the model and changed the taunt to, "Your efforts are in vain!". I also changed the color of the pants to black and added a red stripe down them, it makes the model look alot better, with the red cloth hanging down over black pants. basically, version 2 added some much needed impr