Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Han Solo by Arco

By Arco
Date: 04-26-2002



Skins Name : Han Solo
Author : Matt \"Arco\" Ferguson
Email Address :

Accessory\'s description : Many people were asking for a good solo skin. So I spent some time trying to get a good likeness. More work could have been done but since the GDK came out I didn\'t see that it was worthwhile due to modelst hat WILL be released upon us all of Solo.

Additional Credits to : Sundance(for the bots), Raven, Id Software, Adobe

Thanks to : My luvly gal
* Construction *

Base : Afew bits of mace sundacer (also by me)

time to make : about 15 or 16 hours.

nb. This is my skin and if anyone wants to use it to make their own skins please do so. SO LONG AS YOU SHOW ME WHAT YOU AHVE DONE FIRST. If not your files will be removed.