Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

The Emperor

New version available! Find it here.

By Dark Dna
Date: 04-09-2002



Emperor Skin with bot support.
by Dark Dna

To install MP skin:
1. Extract The_Emperor.pk3 into your \GameData\base dir.
Now you can use the Emperor skin but you have to do more to enable it to be a bot.
Note: To use the Emperor skin, as either a MP skin or a MP bot, make certain the server you are on is NOT A PURE SERVER!! You can set Pure Server to no in the Server Configuration (you know, before actually start up the server)
click on the Advanced button and set the Pure Server option is set to no.

To configure to game to use the Emperor bot:
1. Start up WinZip
2. Click on open
3. Find the \GameData\base dir in the dir you installed the game.
4. Open up assets0.pk3 (make sure that the "File Type" drop down menu says all files)
5. Have WinZip sort the files by path
6. Find the bots.txt and extract it into your root dir (example: C:\) and make sure that Use folder names is
7. Now open up a Windows Explorer (NOT the browser, you know what I mean, right?) go to your root dir (C:\) and go into the botfiles dir.
8. Open up the bots.txt
9. Add the following lines at the end of the list of darkside bots (DONOT FORGET TO SAVE IT):

name "Emperor_Palpatine"
model The_Emperor
color1 0
personality /botfiles/The_Emperor.jkb
//This is the Emperor bot

10. Now, get back into the WinZip (the one that has assets0.pk3 open) and click on add.
11. From the window that pops up goto the root dir (C:\) and click on the botfiles dir (DONOT get into the dir, just select it). Make sure that "Save full path info" is checked. Now, click on the "Add" button.
12. Just to check that the old bots.txt was overwrited, open it up and look for the new lines.
Its set up now.