Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Count Dooku

By Killrah
Date: 09-11-2003




README: Count Dooku

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Filename: ct_dooku.pk3


Author: Killrah

Filesize: 3.04 MB


The skin is based on the Obi-Wan (Ep1) model by Tex360, Toonces,
Arco, Mars, Deetox and Wolf Devil.
This model includes a Jedi robed and Team colors without robe,
I made new textures of head, Jedi Suit and robe; added some new sounds
when 1 taunt is from cut scenes of EP2 and made new icons.


Installation Instructions:

Unzip the file and put the ct_dooku.pk3 into the


New Sounds: YES
Team Colors: YES
Bot support : No