Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Qui Gon Mars X-clusive Version

By Mars Marshall
Date: 06-09-2003




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Qui Gon
Model Name: "QuiGonVMX.pk3" (Version Mars X-clusive)

Authors: Toonces and Tex360
Base Modeler: Tex360
Base Skins: NeoMarz1
Pk3 arrangement: NeoMarz1


Whats new: This was modeled by both "Tex360 and Toonces". Many moons ago I was slated to skin this model, but got tied up into doing the Obi model. I finally got a moment and
decided to go ahead and re-skin the model (as promised). The main changes are related to the face, and clothing.
1) Team Colors- Yes
2) Lods- Yes
3) Custom sounds- Yes
4) Robe, and Dark Jedi varients.


Special Thanks from Mars:
"Tex360 and Toonces" for putting out an incredible model!
"and to all who have supported me in the past"

Sounds: Deetox (

Botfiles Wolf Devil ( (Qui-Gon, Darth Toxic)
Toonces (Lord Jin)

Special Thanks from Toonces:
The entire crew of, and everybody who supported me over at Without your support this model would have died before we even

Wolf Devil for whipping up a couple of nice bots on extremely shore notice

quamosity ( for putting me in touch with Tex360. These models would
have never seen the light of day without this man. His efforts were invaluable, and
Qui-Gon Jinn is dedicated to his efforts

Concept: Based on Qui Gon as seen in star wars episode 1.


1) There is no reason to delete any previous Qui Gon files, This file should work fine alongside any similar files.
2) Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory

*Information *

Size: 1.05 Mb
Polys: 2862

LOD support - Yes
Bot support - Yes

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
of Lucasfilm Ltd.
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