Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Zam Wesell VME

By Mars Marshall
Date: 05-11-2003




Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Zam Wesell VME (Versoion Mars Expansion)
Model Name: "Zam VME.pk3" (verson 2.0)

Authors: Team Zam (NeoMarz1 and Moooa)
Base Modeler: NeoMarz1 (Mars)
Base Skins: NeoMarz1
Pk3 arrangement: NeoMarz1
Model Tweaks: Moooa
Segmentation: Moooa
Game Imports/sounds: Moooa


Whats new: This model is of course based on the Zam Wesell character in episode II. She is a Clawdite bounty hunter, whom is an ally to Jango Fett. Clawdites are shapeshifters capable of morphing into another species (such as human) More details on the character can be found at
Zam Wesell is easily a skinners dream, Thanks to Moooa she has all kinds of bits that can be turned on or off. This allows the skinner to come up with a variety of characters.
1) Zam Default skin has been darkened to look more like "In Movie shots"
2) Now have extra skins for Tundra, Congo, and Desert
3) New Bot "Zam VME". The bot uses the "Movie Default skin" with veil.
4) Lods- Yes
5) Custom sounds- Yes
6) Additional model bits (Head Hair, Head Zam, Head hooded, Head Clawdite, Comset 2, Skirt, Veil, Helmet, and more)


Special Thanks to: "Moooa" For joining me! Originally he had just started to work on his own Zam. I wanted Moooa to join me, I knew he would bring alot to my Zam model. I am honored to have him on this project, and look forward to working with him in the future.
"Psyko Pat/Psyko Sith" A great friend, and mentor. He has offered his help at every turn, and has proven to be one of my most reliable sources for help, Thanks Psyko!
"Lord Tnuc" His imagination inspired me to even consider doing the rifle, He really has a lot of great ideas.
"Locutus" For actually getting the rifle model into the game, If it were'nt for his help, you would'nt have seen the rifle model so soon! He turned out to be a reliable source of help.
"KSK H20" For help posting screenshots, and figuring out the Alpha channels for the rifle's reticule. I learned a lot from his advice, which has proven to be of great need through this project!
"T3rrOr" He helped with the reticule as well, and always is very helpful in the Jedi Forum community!
"Jolts" For his modeling suggestions (primarily on the Zam model)
"Padawan 7" for his suggestions, and help.
"To all who offered their advice in the forums" There are too many to mention. I sincerely believe that the forums are essential to model development, and especially the community within.

Concept: Based on Zam Wesell the Clawdite bounty hunter as seen in Starwars episode II.


1) Since this is an expansion pack. There is no need to remove the first Zam "Team Zam.pk3" Both the old and new files work together. The Zam expansion works by itself as well.
2) Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKII/gamedata/base/ directory

*Information *

Size: 1.13 Mb
Polys: 3095

LOD support - Yes
Bot support - Yes

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.
Certain Sound files within are the copyright of Lucas Arts.

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© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
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