Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Aayla Segura Ep2

By MMM_Gidgiddoni
Date: 04-15-2003




Readme File:
Model Name: "gid-aayla-ep2" by MMM_Gidgiddoni (Dale Harty)
I'm sure by now, all of you have seen the fantastic skinpack and custom model released a long time ago in this galaxy called "Glm_Aayla". Well after downloading that pack, I, being a perfectionist, decided that the Aayla skin was more like the movie concepts, comic books, and expanded universe versions - I wanted one based on Episode II: AOTC. So I made this reskin of Aayla.

Other changes:
removed the holsters from Aayla (as she didn't have them in the movie)
new player selection icons
changed the bot files (made them JediMod compatible for one thing...)
Installation: extract gid-aayla-ep2.pk3 to your gamedata/base folder
Uninstallation: delete it... but why would anybody wanna do that? ;)
Original Mesh : "Glm_Aayla" by Tim 'Spacemonkey' Appleby
original Skin: "Aayla" by Tim 'Spacemonkey' Appleby

Sounds: Uses Jans sounds. No additional sounds are included.

Concept: Based on the Starwars character Aayla Secura who appeared briefly in the film
Attack of the Clones.

info: Aayla, a tragic Padawan stripped of her memory yet slowly being rehabilitated by the Jedi Council,
first appeared in the "Twilight" story arc of the ongoing series, by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema
*Information *

Polycount: 3200
bots Yes
Custom sounds no

LOD support - Yes.

* Copyright / Permissions *
The character Aayla Secura is copyright of Lucas Arts.
This pack was released with permission from Tim 'Spacemonkey' Appleby
© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarksof Lucasfilm Ltd.