Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Photo Realistic Yoda

By Zippo
Date: 03-02-2003




Installation instructions

extract file episodeIIyoda.pk3 to gamedir/GameData/base

File info

This is a brand new Photorealistic Yoda skin.

Developer(s) Model The Awsome Yoda team, Body skin also the Awsome yoda team. with color corection by Zippo85. Head skin by Zippo85
ZIPPO85 Mail me at:
Adt info:

I was going to not release this skin before i had the permission of the original Developers. but since a whole lot of people wanted it i disided to relaece it anyway. like the model some of the skin is from the original .pk3 file, just color corected to mach the dvd.
The head is made from -=MANY=- stills of the AOTC dvd and was on hell of a jigsaw puzzle. but i think it turned out pritty ok.

I tryed to get a hold of ya (on behalf of the releace permission) but didnt recive any answer.