Star Trek Skin Pack

By Jedi Kain
Date: 05-28-2002



|***** Star Trek Skin Pack by Jedi Kain ******|

Developer : Tommy \"Jedi Kain\" Frey
Mail :
Skin(s) : STClassic, STTNG and STDS9
Base model(s) : Jedi, Jeditrainer
CTF Support : all!
Bot Support : 3 Bots
Description : This pack contains 18 Skins. The classic, the TNG and the DS9 uniforms from Star Trek for the \'jedi\' and the \'jeditrainer\' models. There is always a default (yellow/orange) version and CTF versions (red/blue). I made 3 bots with diffrent personalities.

Bot(s) : STClassic_Jedi wears the orange STClassic Uniform (like Kirk :) and uses weapons most of the time
STTNG_Jeditrainer wears the red STTNG Uniform (like Riker) and uses the saber
STDS9_jedi wears the blue DS9 Uniform (like Dax) and uses the saber