Babylon 5 Skin pack

By Jedi Kain
Date: 05-11-2002



|***** Captain John Sheridan (Babylon 5) *****|

Developer : Jedi Kain
Mail :
Skin(s) : Sheridan, B5Jedi, B5Jeditrainer, B5Kyle
Base model(s) : Jedi, Jeditrainer, Kyle
CTF Support : Sheridan Skin only
Bot Support : Sheridan Skin only
Description : This pack contains a skin of John Sheridan, captain of space station Babylon 5. Actually the head doesn\'t look very well but I\'m quiet happy with the body. This skin has CTF and BOT support.
Additionally this pack contains Skins for the Jedi, the Jeditrainer and the Kyle model which make them wear the B5 uniform. (no CTF support)
Bot : The Bot called \'Sheridan\' will hardly ever use force and saber. But he will shot with every gun he can find 8)