Tycho Brahe

By Damaramu
Date: 04-20-2002



File Info/Author Info

Title: Tycho Brahe

File Name: pa-tycho.pk3

Description: This is my second skin(first released skin). It's the skin of one of the two main characters at www.penny-arcade.com, this also includes ctf and bot support. Unfortunatly Jerry (Tycho) didn't want to add a custom taunt.

Date of Release: 04/17 or 18

Author's Real Name: Anthony Kramer

Author's Jedi Knight 2 Nickname: Damaramu

Author's Details: I'm from Texas and I'm a Star Wars fan (What else need be known?)

Machine tested on: If I can run this skin then you should be able too.

Author's Email Address: acoolguy007@aol.com

Playing/Installation Instructions

Unzip the file - "pa-tycho.pk3" into the GameData/Base Directory
of where ever you installed Jedi Knight 2. Then go into the game
and select the skin from the Player Setup Menu.

Disclaimer/Legal Stuff

This Skin is not made, distributed or supported by Activision or
Lucasarts Entertainment Company LLC. Elements TM. (However the pants were in the assets.pk3)

This skin has been tested and I would not release it unless I
thought it was totally safe and unharmful to use. However, I take
no responsibility for what this does to the computer of anyone who
chooses to the use skin and will not be held responsible for any
damage that comes of using it.

You may distrubute this file as you wish, as long as the readme
file is attached, it is unedited and I am given full credit. Please
do NOT take any part of this skin and use it in something else
without my prior permission. (However the pants were taken from the assets.pk3 so you can do what you want with that.)

Credits/Special Thanks

I'd like to thank Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins for making Penny Arcade. Also for Jerry not having a problem with me making a Tycho skin. Expect the Gabe skin coming soon.

Lucasarts and Lucasfilm for giving the public a whole new galaxy to experience. Raven and Activision for joining in on Jedi Outcast.

And finally to George Lucas, for reasons everyone knows by now.