Lord Caeruleus

By SaulDraaku
Date: 07-29-2003




JK2 Modification

Title: Lord Caeruleus
Author: SaulDraaku
Email: SaulDraaku@msn.com

File name: Caeruleus v1.1 (final).zip

Released: 14.07.2003


This is my first skin and it's a re-skin of the Reborn character. I chose
the Reborn basically cos it looks cool and it seemed to be one of the
easiest to start with.
I've darkened the textures and placed mettalic plating where that sash thing
was. I was originally going for Maul type markings on the face but i
desided to go with the design you see, I think it fits the character better,
I also put some random design on the hood to stop it being too plain. Bot
and team colour support is included, I also changed the sounds to the Boss
Reborn cos I think they are better.


This reskin is all my own work, but I guess i should thank whoever designed
the original reborn, as I couldnt have done this without that as the
base....obviously :p



Just extract the .pk3 to your "gamedata/base" folder.


Aplications used: Photoshop 7.0


Please enjoy this skin and feel free to use/modify however you like, I'd
just like a little credit ;) thanks.