
By -KoF-Yuri
Date: 09-07-2004




Yuri Skin + Bot
Created by -KoF-Yuri

Skin Origin: Yuri Sakazaki from the King of Fighters and Capcom vs. Snk Games

Category: Celebrities

Skin Decription:

This is a Skin for my favorite SNK fighter Yuri Sakazaki. I created her using the Jan model and changed her clothes and face to look a lot like Yuri. She has an outfit for the Default, Red and Blue mode with a change in her shirt, Tights, and shoes.

Bot Description:
I added a lot of "Yuri-like" Sayings to this bit and she has a specail teammate relation ship with Jan. If a player on the server is under the name of Jan or Botan she will not attack them. If another Yuri is on the server she will team with them only in team mode games. and if your name happens to be mine, -KoF-Yuri she will hunt you down and kick your butt. LOL

Instructions: Extract "Yuri.pk3" to your game Directory under /GameData/base

Why I made this SKin:
Well, Anyone who has seen me on JK2 under my Yuri names (or even my Botan name) know i always use the same Blue Jan skin. (Which after a while gets pretty boring) Plus the fact that no one knows who Yuri Sakazaki is, this is a good chance for them to see the character that fits my personality.

So thats all i can say for now. If i figure out how to take off the goggles and assign her taunts to the way she sounds in Capcom vs SNK 2 then, I'll make a version 2 of her.

(PS if anyone knows how to do that, please email me at karen_cinantani@yahoo.com)

Enjoy the Skin and that crazy bot ;D Hope you like it.
