Jet Li -Jun Bo

By Clemens Ableidinger
Date: 08-30-2004




The Jet Li/Jun Bo Skin For Jedi Knight 2!

The installation is easy, just extract the jet.pk3 file
in the GameData\base folder
(Default: "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base")

This file is a skin for the game Jedi Knight 2, you can use it in
Multiplayer games, but it's not available in Team Games(!) because
I have not created red or blue skin-files (yet).

The Jet Li/Jun Bo Skin was created by Clemens Ableidinger

Why did I create this skin?
Well, I like that game and thought that the normal skins
were a bit boring, so I surfed the web and found a tutorial
for developing skins. So I tried it and it worked!
This is the first skin I've ever made.

Enjoy multiplaying with Jet Li/Jun Bo!