By Magion
Date: 06-14-2002
This is a Model and Saber color selecter script.
Press uparrow to go to model selecter mode and
then use left/right -arrow to select the model
you want, then press enter to activate it.
If you press the uparrow again you can choose
from the blue models and one more time you can
select from the red models.
Same for saber color selecter but you press the
downarrow first and then uses the left/right -arrow
to select the color you want and activates it with enter.
I got inspired to this by a map selecter script made for Quake 3
I don\'t know who made the script for quake 3.
Put the .cfg file in your /base folder and in the game
console type: exec selecter.cfg
(press shift+<key under escape button> to bring down the console)
/Script made by Magion