ZERO's Animated Sabers

By ArchAngel_ZERO
Date: 04-29-2003




file name: ZERO's_animated sabers
Author: ArchAngel_ZERO
Realease Date 4/24/03
Email: (put JO or ARCHANGEL_ZERO in the subject
or it will be deleted)

Changes: old saber glows now animated, custom core by me, blur changed

I made this not so much to look good and be popular, but so that people
would understand that modding sabers doesn't just have to be a color job and
a fatter core. All of my saber glows are animated. It's not spectacular, I
know, but maybe some one will use this as inspiration and create something
really good. All I ask is if you use this as a base or to learn from,
please give me a little credit. I welcome email feedback. :)

Installation: extract the pk3 to gamedata/base folder
or to have it under the mods menu put it in a folder called ZERO's
animated sabers in the gamedata folder.