Rancor Startup Screen

By Master_Yoda
Date: 07-25-2002



Rancor startup screen
By: Master_Yoda (no e-mail adress available!!)


This is a Rancor startup screen, straight from ROTJ.I made it to give all the modmakers
on jk2files.com something back. I hope you\'ll like it!!!
BTW: I\'m working on an Emperor Palpatine Startup Screen at the moment so all you Sith Lords:
Keep your eyes open, it\'ll be placed on the net soon.


Install: To install, simply put the product.bmp in your gamedata/Install folder.
WARNING: In the zipfile there\'s a backup directory for your original product
file, in case you don\'t like this one after all.


Uninstall: To uninstall, just switch the original product file back where it came from!!