Misc. Startup Screen

By Acidiss
Date: 07-16-2002



Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast startup screen.

Name: JKII Misc Startup Screen
Author: Acidiss
Email: acidisss@hotmail.com
WebSite: N/A

Description: Basically just the moon, (which i turned yellow) in the sky. Looks sort of Star Wars(ish).

Install: Put the file named \'Product\' into:-

X:\\gamedir\\GameData\\base\\LucasArts\\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\\Install

X being the name of your hard drive.

Unless you have installed Jedi Knight into another location.

If you have any problems, please email me.

**Useless Stuff**
I made this as i wanted to edit something in JK2, as the Radiant tools don\'t want to work on my PC. :-(