Darth Maul Startup Screen

By John Leitner
Date: 04-01-2003




README FILE for Darth Maul Startup Screen

Just replace the file Product (in this ZIP) with the one in programfiles/lucasarts/star wars JK II Jedi Outcast/install (make sure to keep the file named as Product or it wont work) Delete (or remove) the product file in the install folder first then extrack the one in this ZIP file to install (they can't be in the same folder at once).
File Info
Well it is a very simple startup screen (simple is always better) and they don't take too long to make.
My Info
Name: John Leitner
Website: None
E-mail: darth_maul_541@yahoo.com
Extra Notes
Just remember these startup screens are my FIRST files I have ever made and they were made using Paint so please don't say anything bad thanx.

The reason I made these was there wasnt any good startup screens that I liked so I thought I might as well make my own and I am glad with all the ones I made (so far)

More Startup Screens To Come: 2 More Maul's, 2 Plo Koon's, 2 Vader's, 1 Luke Skywalker, 1 Jango Fett, 1 Qui-Gon Jinn, 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi and 1 Yoda.

Startup Screens I Still Have To Make: Count Dooku, Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker (maybe some others if I have time).
I don't know what to put here so just no copyrighting and stuff.