Luke Skywalker SP

By capinrandom
Date: 12-03-2004




basic file info
in this mod, you get to play as luke skywalker, i personally dont like him that much, cuz im more of a darkside person...but hey! all the other darkside mods were already taken...for the most part, and since im not too good at skinning and modeling, i got stuck with modding, but oh goes on.
the luke skin in this mod is from the game, i imported the sounds and everything, into the vader sp mod...basically i just took the file layout...but i guess they deserve credit for makin it... Michael 'sithlord-II' Frost, Adam 'Cheshire' Lee, made the vader mod i used as an outline i also imported lukes saber to this file...yippie!...his saber was modeled by Khaliban

capinrandom im not leavin my email but my AOL instant messenger sn is also if you have any q's or almost always on