By tFighterPilot
Date: 04-13-2003
Title: Gran And Rodian
Author: tFighterPilot
File info: This is my first mod, or any other file, so don't expect much.
You play a as gran and Jan, as if you haven't saw that coming, is a rodian. :)
And of course, like in all the SP mods, some of the enemies are easier to cut. :)
Both the Gran and the Rodian are from the original game, that's why the file is small.
I didn't include any screenshots because I don't know how to make a screenshot without the console. :(
The main reason I did this mod is to see if I can.
Installation: Put the GranAndRodian.pk3 in the base folder, and make sure you don't have any other sp mods there.
Thanks: I would like to thank AutoCept for the "tutorial" that showed me how it's done.