Jedi Academy Mod (1.1)

New version available! Find it here.

By cHoSeN oNe
Date: 03-10-2003
Version: 1.1



This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers. To this end, it has a number of commands to enforce the Jedi Academy Rules. Whether you're a Council Member, Trainer, Knight, or Student - it is your duty to make the Jedi Academy a great place for everyone to meet new people, to learn new and exciting things, and to excel as a person. Please visit us at

New Features in 1.1
New Custom cVar welcome message in console.
mgametype - Trainers can now change maps/gametypes.
mrandteams - Randomizes teams in CTF gameplay.
amhelp - Helps JAT's, JAK's, Students with admin commands. (Custom help messages capable)
4 New Custom cVars to display messages for logged in/not logged in adminstrators upon use of admin command.
Improved Jedi Vs. Merc Mode.
g_mBlockThrow - allows client to lose thrown saber if blocked by opponent.
Fixed emote(s) exploit during Duels and SaberLocks.
Clients can now Duel in Team gamemods, cannot duel flagcarriers.
g_mDebugCheats - allows access to hidden features in JK2 (cVar default is 1)
mnpcaccess - allows client access to the NPC features.
mnpcnoaccess - disallows client access to the NPC features.
g2animent - spawns an NPC.
g2platoon - spawns a platoon of NPC's.

Features in 1.0
Everything is now logged to the server.
New Jedi Knight login system and its accompanied commands.
amsay - now sends message to both Trainer and Knight.(Trainer & Knight use only)
mwhois - allows admin to see who is logged in as a Trainer and/or Knight. (Trainer & Knight use only)
mkick - now appends a message to client as well as to the server. (Trainer & Knight use only)
mkickban - now appends a message to client as well as to the server.(Trainer use only)
mtele - teleports user to a desired location. (Trainer use only)
morigin - gets players location on the map.(Trainer use only)
mpunish - punishes client. (Trainer use only)
munpunish - unpunishes client. (Trainer use only)
mreward - rewards client for passing his/her trial.(Trainer use only)
mforceteam - forces a client to a specific CTF team. (Trainer use only)
mdenyvote - denies a certain client to vote. (Trainer use only)
mallowvote - returns voting privelege to client. (Trainer use only)
mlockteam - locks a specific team in CTF mode so no one can join. (Trainer use only)
munlockteam - unlocks a specific team in CTF mode so people can join. (Trainer use only)
All items can now be pushed/pulled.
Added 14 new emotes.

Create a directory like this:
where '/home/.../jk2/' is the path where you installed Jedi Knight II. Now you can start the server with the '+set fs_game academy' argument.

./jk2ded +set fs_game academy +exec server.cfg

Create a directory like this:
X:\...\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\academy
where 'X:\...\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\' is the path where you installed Jedi Knight II. Now you can start the server with the '+set fs_game academy' argument.

jk2mp.exe +set fs_game academy +exec server.cfg

Note: There is an enclosed bat file that does this for you, Just run it from the gamedata folder when in Windows to skip the GUI mod loading.

Installation - making the mod truly server-side
If you install the mod the way as described with a pk3 file, the client will still have to download it when he connects. To prevent this, since Jedi Academy Mod is serverside only, You need to put all files in academy folder. The directory should now appear like ...../jk2/gamedata/academy under Windows or \ ...../jk2/academy under Linux. Under this dir there will be a vm dir with one .qvm file in it as well as the academy.cfg file. Now when a client connects he should not have to download the mod before he can enter the game.

Various Trainer and Knight commands
Logging of player IP when player connects to the server. Logging happens in the following format:
mlog_ClientConnect: <player client id> '<player name>' -> '<player ip>'
Logging of Trainer and Knight commands. Every command will be logged in the following format:
mlog_command <playername>
Removed the 2 player at a time duel limit.
Sabers don't automatically ignite at the start of a duel.
"No bacta rule" is now working for duels.
Voting system is now limited for Trainer use only.
When player wins a duel he now gets up to 25 shield points as well as the full 100% health.
Typing motd or rules when saying something shows the motd to the player who said it.
Setting damage for all the moves.
Various emotes.