By Unknown / Anonymous
Date: 06-24-2002
to install, take the PK3 file and put it in your
jedi outcast/gamedata/base/ directory
to spawn vader, within a single player game, at console (shift - tilden)
enter the cheat code Helpusobi 1, then npc spawn desann, or as an alternate method,
from the console type in devmapall "ffa_mapname" (ie ffa_deathstar, or ns_streets, bespin_streets)
and then in console enter npc spawn desann
as this file replaces desann with vader, he still acts like desann (ie. using lightning,
cutscenes will be desann's voice), but the voice pack is all vader, and has a good effect.
Only one like is out of place but i thought i'd put it in.
This mod will replace Desann with Darth Vader, as well as give Vader his proper light saber.