Multiple Mod Player Binds

Date: 07-28-2003



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/// PLayerBinds ///
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Files: PLayerbinds.cfg, BindsBaseJK2.cfg, BindsOmniMod.cfg, BindsAcademy.cfg, and BindsAdminMod.cfg

Author: dead FREAK

Game Name: {TMBF}dead FREAK{JCM/A}

Description: An easier way to change binds and also to not lose your binds in the game (it happens to me and is annyoing).

Installation Instructions: Put each config file in the base folder or you can extract it to your base too. and then in game type in the consle (shift + ~) /exec "the config file". EX. /exec bindsdsiruption.cfg

Credit: i would like to give credit to my friend jnaf for helping me with figuring out what commands do. He has been very helpful when i cant get to JK2 to test commands.

Also check the jk2_consle_commands in the other text file for the commands you can use.

Bugs: There is no know bugs!!!

Note: you may want to remane the fiels to make then easier for you to remember! Do not disrubute then with the changed names though. also, the files will not update if you change binds in game!!

Feedback: send any feed back to me at that would be helpful. also, if a missed a key that you can bind send me the name of the key so i can add it for better updated versions.
Thx All!!!

Disclaimer: This file is NOT supported by LUCASARTS, ACTIVISION, OR RAVEN GAMES. If this file affects jk2 then it is not my problem i have already tested it and have not found any problems.
Do send me the problems in a email so i can try to correct them. thx all!!!