The Jedimatrix

By Noid Hex
Date: 07-21-2003



**********The Jedimatrix**********

1. Instalation Instructions:
Unzip the PK3 and double click the file entitled "TheJedimatrix.mpg." Note, for this
movie to work, you MUST have the latest codec (version 5.05) from

2. File Info:
This is a movie I made using JA Mod 1.2 server settings. I used JK2 characters to
represent Matrix characters from the Matrix movie. Luke represents Neo, Lando
represents Morpheus, a custom JHC Galak skin represents Agent Smith, Shadow
Troopers represent Agent Johnson and Agent Thomson, and the Bespin Cops
represents normal cops.

3. Developer Name: Website: E-mail:
Noid Hex

4. Why I did this:
I discovered a program to record video games while they're played, and I decided to
test out a few things, and came across the idea of making this. :)

Backround Story:
The Jedimatrix takes place during the first Matrix movie. Neo made a secret hacking the
night after a lot of his training, while everyone was asleep. He wanted to see what it
was like to go back into the Matrix, now knowing what he knows. Unfortunelately, he
was tracked and found very quickly by the Agents. His escape was destroyed and is now
looking for one. Morpheus later finds out what happens, and catches up to Neo at just
the right moment. Enjoy!

I'd like to thank the following actors for making this movie possible:

**********The Jedimatrix**********