The Ladder - Map Only (No Music)

By JediNight
Date: 04-08-2002



The Ladder is pure, nonstop combat.

There are three files for two download

ladder.pk3 - the full package - the map and the music

ladder_nomusic.pk3 - A small download for dial-up users.
Everything but the music.
ladder_music.pk3 - just the music, for those who got
the map and now want the music.

To install: There is no "install"! Just move the
ladder.pk3 file (or whichever version you downloaded)
into your "GameDatabase" subfolder wherever you
installed your game.

To load The Ladder do either of the following:
1)Bring down the console (SHIFT+~) and type "map ladder"
2)Go to your load menu and load the savegame named "ladder".
Be warned, however, that I saved the game on hard difficulty,
if you want to play on an easier difficulty, either set it
in the menu or on the console (set "g_spskill" to "0" or "1").

You will have to fight your way through endless
waves of reborn (54 of them), each wave progressively
tougher than the last. But, you start the map with
full saber and force powers (except saber throw 3 because
level 3 saberthrow is better for fighting stormtroopers
than jedi). You will even fight Tavion and, at the
very end, Desann!


The music is a bit tongue-in cheek, but I think
it increases the fun level, so crank it up!!! :)

It is also just a fun level to mess with as far as
spawning in friendly jedi and watching them go at it.

Try binding these console commands to whatever keys you
want, then you can spawn in allies on the fly:

(note: first enable cheats by bringing down the console
with the SHIFT+~ (tilde key) and typing "helpusobi 1"
on the console)

npc spawn jedi
npc spawn jedi2
npc spawn jeditrainer
npc spawn luke
npc spawn jediF

I think that last one works, I found all of these in the
NPCs.cfg that's in the .pk3 file. A fun thing to do,
sometimes, is to turn on "notarget" mode and spawn in
some goodguys and see how well they do at the ladder.
"notarget" makes enemies ignore you - bring down the console
and type "notarget" to toggle this on and off.

Also, to try saber combat with a different feel, use these
console variables:

g_saberRealisticCombat - from what I can tell, setting this
to "1" makes sabers a little more dangerous, setting it to
"2" makes the saber *always* do damage! Warning: this makes
enemy sabers more dangerous, too!

g_saberAutoBlocking - Manual blocking! Set this to "1" and you
have to bind a key to "+block" to effectively block anything.
Your saber may still block stuff, but it won't do it well
and it won't auto-move to block hits... I don't think you can
attack while holding the block button.

g_saberMoveSpeed - This seems to slow you down when attacking
with the saber. Kind of cool if you want more movie-like
walking saber-battles... "1" is normal speed, less than that is
slower, higher than that is faster.

g_saberAnimSpeed - seems to speed up or slow down the speed of
saber animations, for faster or slower paced combat, I guess.
"1" is normal speed, less than that is
slower, higher than that is faster.

g_saberAutoAim - I'm not sure, but I think this turns off some
of the special moves that you can do without actually trying?
Like backstabs - in the game, if there is someone behind you
and you hit the attack key, it automatically backstabs. If you
turn this off (set to "0"), you have to hold the move backwards
key plus attack to backstab. I guess it just gives you more
control by not doing some stuff for you.

Also, I highly recommend setting your Slow Mo Death to level 3,
the slow-mo after killing a reborn gives you a good view of
the other enemies around you and gives you a chance to plan
your next move.

The map, itself, is based on the "pit" map that was in the
JK2 assets0.pk3 file for some reason (I am *not* a map-maker,
so sue me... :)

Strategy Note: Don't feel bad if you have to save a few times
to finish this map, I went nuts with the enemies and I can't
get through it without saving, either... :)
