Project Lighthouse (1.2)

By Lassev
Date: 09-22-2003
Version: 1.2




(c) 2003 Lasse Vääriskoski

Title : Project Lighthouse
Author : lassev (Lasse Vääriskoski)
E-Mail :

File Name :
Version : 1.2
File Size : 30 MB
Type : Single Player
Construction time : Months
Compile Time : Total Summed ~150 min
Design Computer : Athlon 1000MHz, 512Mb, GeForce4200
Date Released : 1.9.2003
Difficulty Settings : Easy, Normal

Brushes / Entities:
Bungaloo : 568 / 104
Lighthouse : 3552 / 561
Lighthouse_2 : 3653 / 760
Lighthouse_3 : 5010 / 469

New Music : NO
Scripting : YES
New Skins : YES (Modifications, Third party)
New Models : YES (Third party)
Custom Textures : YES
Custom Shaders : YES

Special thanks

The Prophet for the complete bd model packet. See additional bd_readme.txt. (SPOILER ALERT!)
Infinity_Blade for custom Dark Jedi Kyle skin.
Bubba for Radiant help resources (if this guy still exists; those tutorials are SO old).
RichDiesal for tutorials that I found too late, but anyway, they are great.
Emon for custom NPC tutorial.
Kengo for kind assistance, walk-through, and beta testing.
David Bradshaw for providing Prisoner with such a sinister voice.
Eldritch for magicing up so wonderful computer voice.
Clu for valuable correspondence and beta testing.
Leslie Judge for always answering every possible question.
Wedge for additional testing.
Shotokan for gameplay testing.
Raven for this excellent game that created my interest in FPS.
George Lucas for the Star Wars universe.
And last but not least all those people on Lucasforums, who have willingly or unwittingly helped me one way or another.


Kyle and Jan are spending some time on planet Rapah Kdvik, repairing Raven's Claw and planning their future. As a scarcely populated oceanic planet with few small rocky islands Rapah Kdvik is an ideal place for those who want privacy. Kyle got an offer to use the small villa Lando had won years ago in a game of gamble. After the busy beaches of Spira, Rapah Kdvik is a good place for silent relaxation and meditation. Yet, even before landing on the planet, Kyle had an uneasy feeling that something was going to come up very soon. Sooner than he would have welcomed...


This campaign contains custom material from both the author and third parties. Please do not separate any component of the packet to send it to anyone in any purposes. Please do not use the custom material of Project Lighthouse for your own maps that are to be released for public without first consulting me. The third party components included in this packet (mentioned above and below) have been included with a special and personal permission from the original authors. This permission does not allow you to use the third party components with your own maps without consulting first the original authors.

I especially want to thank Kengo for getting me into contact with David Bradshaw (and also with Eldritch although Kengo denies he had anything to do with it). Kengo tested the very early beta of Lighthouse and pointed out many truly invaluable things I would have missed or that would have later on demanded much more work than in such an early stage. Later on Kengo offered to write a walk-through for the campaign. Considering the number of puzzles and the relative complexity of Project Lighthouse, I agreed at once. He wrote the excellent no-nonsense text that gets right to the point. It's shipped with the level for the pleasure of those, who prefer the taste of blood to the more philosophical side of life.

Have fun time playing the campaign!

- lassev


Four maps: bungaloo, lighthouse, lighthouse_2, and lighthouse_3. As third party components a modified bd_prophet_sp and unmodified darkjedikyle. And of course lots of custom files.

Are necessary files should be included. However, you must have at least the 1.03 Game Patch applied.


The usual way. Unzip packet into a subfolder called Lighthouse in your Gamedata folder (if you do it by unzipping first somewhere else and then attempt to copy, be sure to include all the files also in root).Load the campaign as a MOD in SP. Choose either one of the difficulties. Click start, and relax for a moment. It will be a while until you can actually play.

NOTE: Your texture detail should be set to high at least for the duration of the opening cinematics.


This campaign is said to contain many hard puzzles in addition to moderately hard fighting. To play succesfully through the levels, you should keep in mind the axiom of a linear plot: every room has some meaning, every switch you can use has some function (with a couple of obvious exceptions). If you find the campaign impossible to solve or you start to loose you nerve, please refer to the walk-through shipped with the level.

It is adviced not to attempt to use the "NOCLIP" cheat option with this level. It may lead to serious instability, as the level design is such that the plot will only proceed, when several spots are passed along the way. This is only possible by following and honouring the architecture. The circumvention of such steps by "NOCLIP" will cause some events not to happen, which may later cause freezing of the game. If this happens, bring down the console and type "quit" to exit the game. You may start the mod again and try to continue playing by using your last savegame.


Remember to save every now and then - there are some auto-saves, but nothing beats the strongest spell. Use manual save game especially just prior to hard battles.