Episode 5 Map

By Sverrearagorn
Date: 09-15-2003




-----------------------EP5 MAP (beta)----------------------


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SinglePlayer MAP


-----------------------EP5 MAP (beta)----------------------


This is a litle SinglePlayer beta map by me (SVERREARAGORN).
The map is one of the maps in a mod I am creating for Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast.
In the mod you'll control Luke Skywalker when he is at bespin to save Solo, Leia, C3PO and R2D2 from Darth Vader!
....., it will be the same story as on the movie, but not all of the place's will be the same.

For now, enjoy this beta map!


You are not Luke in this map.... and when you have killed all the enemys you won. (the map will not end so you have to quit self.

Name: EP5 MAP (beta)
File name: ep5map.pk3
Zipfile name: ep5map.zip
Game modes: Single Player
New textures: No
New models: No
New sounds: Yes (music)
New music: Yes
NPC routing: Yes
Total brushes: 629
Total entities: 173
Net brush count: 395


Developer name: SVERREARAGORN
Developer e-mail: sverre.thune@broadpark.no
Developer internet-site: none (yet)


Install: Copy the ep5map.pk3 file from the .zip file to ......../gamedata/base foldier (replaze "........" with the directory you instaled the game).
Uinstall: Delete/remove the ep5map.pk3 file from "........"/gamedata/base foldier (replaze "........" with the directory you instaled the game).

Startup instructions:

Start: Startup Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast SinglePlayer, open console (hold shift and pres the key below ESC) and type "map ep5"(without the " "), the map should load.
End: When you are ingame pres ESC, go to EXIT -> QUIT PROGRAM -> YES, JK2 should exit. Or you can yust open console (hold shift and pres the key below ESC) and type "quit"(without the " ")