By Zeph
Date: 04-30-2002
Watch the Demo before reading this!
to perform these acrobatics you need to do a couple of things.
First you need to bind two different keys to skins.
Open the console and (shift + ~) and type:
bind X "model reborn/default" (where 'X' is any key you prefer, and 'reborn' any model)
Then bind a different key to another skin.
Join your favourite server and press the two keys in quick succesion.
You should now be lying down. Try spinning!
To move while lying down, simply press the keys while moving. And to stand up with arms skyward use force speed while lying down.
if you're lazy just copy the following lines and add them to your jk2mpconfig.cfg file;
bind z "model reborn/default"
bind x "model kyle/default"