JKFiles Readme Template for GaTeX

By Gamall
Date: 07-23-2007




** JEDI KNIGHT: Jedi Academy **

# TITLE : JKFiles readme template for GaTeX #
# TYPE : Utility #
# VERSION : 0.1 #
# AUTHOR : Gamall Wednesday Ida #
# E-MAIL : gamall.ida@gmail.com #
# WEBSITE : http://gamall-ida.com #
# #
# FILESIZE : < 10 Ko #
# RELEASE DATE : July 2007 #

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These are two 'style templates' made with JKFiles readmes in
mind, to be used with the plain text formatter 'GaTeX'.

The first one is a very plain layout that displays well enough
in the worst case, which is to say variable-width font and
trimed spaces (sadly, that's exactly how filefront's reviews
display readmes).

The other one provides a more original layout with a decent
amount of eye-candy, which will look good as long as spaces are
not trimed and a fixed-width font is used to display raw text.

Since both these styles define the same structural commands,
you can compile the same readme using the two distinct layouts
in a matter of seconds: I suggest to ship the 'sophisticated'
version with the mod, and the 'plain' version with the
submission mail. Then the reviewer can paste the plain version
on filefront, which won't look 'broken' there, while your users
will still have the better-looking one :-)

+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o +

- Installation: Three steps
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o -

First, you need to have a working GaTeX system: just download
the latest version using the link provided in the 'About GaTeX'
section (or the internet shortcut file). Then extract the
archive anywhere convenient.

Second, you need to install the two styles: just replace
GaTeX's 'format.ini' file by the 'format.ini' provided.

The third step is... to learn to use the thing effectively...

- How do I get it to work?
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o -

Now would be the time to take a quick look at the 'What is
GaTeX' section before reading any further. Done? Good. Look
into the 'DEMOS' folder: There are four files there. Two of
them are '.gat' source file. Open them with Wordpad, Notepad or
anything else that opens plain text. Now compare with the other
two, which are the corresponding 'compiled' files.

You will quickly understand that words begining with '\' are
commands, and that the text to be formatted is always between
\some_structural_command and \end. Well, that's really all you
need to understand to actually use GaTeX with the JKFiles

Now, all you have to do is to replace the text in the example
by your own, then compile. To do that, just drag and drop the
source file onto GaTeX.exe's icon. The formatted file will be
automatically created and displayed (with GaTeX's default
settings). The name of the generated file is given in \output,
at the begining of the source file.

One last, important thing: To select the style you want to use,
just put either FILEFRONT or FILEFRONT_FLAT in \style, at the
very beginning of the source file.

+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o +

In as few words as possible, GaTeX is a plain text formatter,
which handles content and layout independantly from one
another. It uses its own syntax to describe the 'styles' or
'templates', which are layout specifications, all stored in the
file 'format.ini'. The syles are a set of 'structural commands'
which can then be used as a kind of markup language to describe
content. The content files are then 'compiled' to create
formatted files.

Download: http://gamall-ida.com/f/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=167

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| File generated with 'GaTeX',|
| an ASCII typesetting system |
| by Gamall Wednesday Ida. |
| http://gamall-ida.com |
Build: Wed Jul 18 20:04:18 2007
File : filefront_pack_readme.gat