Date: 05-17-2006
title: (SLFC) - Smarsch's LogFile Converter for JKA
author: «SMARSCH»
email: sorry, i want no spam...
type: vbScript for windows
version: 1.2
date: 17. May 2006
description: make "Jedi Knight Academy" game-server-logfile readable.
it saves a new converted text-file at the same place, with date & time in filename.
works also with logFiles from other games, e.g. JK2_Outcast...
howto: drag&drop "games.log" icon over this script icon.
argument: file-path to "games.log"
more help-files to download at my website.
changes in v1.1:
faster with 'regular expression'
needs for a 90 MB file = 1 min. 20 sec. with P4 2.2 Ghz 1 GB mem.
changes in v1.2:
fixed error: forbidden character in fileName