JAM's JK2/3 Kill Tracker (v2)

Date: 04-23-2005
Version: v2




JK2/3 Kill Tracker Created By JAM


Title: JAM's JK2/3 Kill Tracker
Author: JAM
In-Game Name: SpIdErMaN or spider
Website: www.jamtracker.tk
Contact: root@jamtracker.tk
Released: 1st April 2005


Extract the zip file jamkt.zip to any directory. Run the setup.exe file and
follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure you checkout the readme.txt
file for the commands.

- 2.0 -

More bugs fixed.
Fixed !play command which checked the song path with the partial text. Now
only checks song name.
New interface and skin.
New !hide command minimises and displays a window showing in-game chat
allowing u to talk back while minimised!
More music based program.
New commands and features added and old commands recoded.
Some program messages removed to decrease spam.
Friend all and friend commands are no longer case sensitive.
New Alarm Notifier.
Black added to colour scheme and previewer which was purposly left out in v

Added some new commands:

- !friendall - will friend anyone that has a certain text in thier name.
Great for clan tags (NOT case sensitive).
- !removefr # - changed to remove index number found using !friends which
now contains both friends and friendalls.
- !removenote # - will remove the index numbered note from the notes.
- !shuffle - will play a random track from the playlist.
- !dismsg - will enable/disable kill messages.
- !settings - will display all the set settings of echo, silence, power and
dismsg in order to fix problems. Will always display even if power is off as
long as the name and gametype is correct.
- !rewind - replays the current song or the last song played before
- !info playername - now displays duels won and lost to the specified
- !vol (1-100) - sets the percentage volume rather than using volup and
- !setalarm 00:00 - sets the alarm to a specific 24 hour format time.
- !unsetalarm - disables the alarm.

Added a ID3 tag reader in the music section. Will now add the actual title
and artists of the songs to the playlist.
Now !hide displays a window containing chat and messages occuring ingame
while minimised and allows you to chat back.
Improved playlist which features many playlist options including sorting
Now tracks duels with individual people and can be displayed in messages.

- v1.2 -

Fixed alot of bugs that i found and recoded a few things to make them more
Found out that in the readme file I had put !silent when the command was
actually !silence. Sorry.

- v1.0 -

First release :). All Features and commands avaliable in the interenal
readme file.


Thanks to all beta testers.
Visit www.jamtracker.tk for more info.


Jedi Knight Utility Created By JAM.