Bael's Skinning Tutorial Video

By Bael
Date: 09-07-2004



Bael's Video Skinning Tutorial

First try playing the .avi file, and if you get audio only then you do not have the right codec,
so then install the codecs needed using the "XviD-1.0.1-05062004" file,
now try plaing the .avi. If it still doesn't work then i don't know what to do, sorry.

ok i made this tutorial for all members of NSA clan to learn how to skin,
it should very breifly explain every aspect of making your own skin,
if you do have any questions relating to this video or any other aspect of skinning don't hesitate to ask me, my msn is
this file may be redistributed but must include this readme with it,
i look forward to seeing skins from you all.
